Construction of paving slab patio around holiday let building
Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY
Name | Constraint Type |
Tree Preservation Order | Tree Preservation Order |
Scheduled Monument | Scheduled Monument as defined by Historic England |
Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN8 | Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN8 - Biodiversity and Green Space Adopted 23/9/2015 |
Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN9 | Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN9 - Areas of Landscape Value Adopted 23/9/2015 |
Conservation Area 20M Buffer | Buffer of 20m Around Conservation Areas |
Scheduled Monument 20m Buffer | Buffer of 20m around Scheduled Monument as defined by Historic England |
Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN4 | Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN4 - Development affecting Heritage Assets with Archaeological and Historic Interest or Potential Interest Adopted 23/9/2015 |
Local Plan Planning Strategy Policy EN1 | Local Plan Planning Strategy 2011-2028 Policy EN1 - Built and Historic Environment Adopted 19/2/2014 |
Local Plan Planning Strategy Policy EN7 | Local Plan Planning Strategy 2011-2028 Policy EN7 - Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape Adopted 19/2/2014 |
High Weald AONB | High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
Archaeological Notification Areas | Archaeological Notification Area |
Local Plan Planning Strategy Policy FA5 | Local Plan Planning Strategy 2011-2028 Policy FA5 - Strategic Policy for Eastern Area Adopted 19/2/2014 |
Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN2 | Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN2 - Changing Doors, Windows and Roofs in Conservation Areas Adopted 23/09/2015 |
Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN3 | Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN3 - Demolition involving Heritage Assets Adopted 23/9/2015 |
Caravan Site | Land within exisitng Caravan Site |
Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN1 | Local Plan Development Management Plan Policy HN1 - Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas) Adopted 23/9/2015 |