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Application Reference: | HS/FA/24/00549 |
Address: | Site of former Hastings College of Arts and Technology, Archery Road, St Leonards-on-sea, TN38 0HX |
Proposal: | Variation of condition 3 (approved plans) of Planning Permission HS/FA/15/00175 (as varied by Planning Permission HS/FA/17/00439, HS/FA/18/00291, HS/FA/20/00369 and HS/FA/22/00635) (Conversion of Grade II listed building to create 24 residential units, demolition of all other structures and erection of 97 residential units, with associated cycle and car parking spaces, new vehicular access from Archery Road, associated landscaping and enabling works) - Amendment to Blocks A and B to create 5 additional flats and associated external alterations and relocation of bin/cycle stores. |
Case Officer: | Paul Howson |
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