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HS/FA/20/00715 | Construction of a single dwellinghouse which will include 3 bedrooms, work from home space, gardens, parking and access to Newts Way | Land south west of, Newts Way, St Leonards-on-sea
  • Total Consulted: 43
  • Comments Received: 35
  • Objections: 21
  • Supporting: 12
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Mr Chris Daly

Comment submitted date: Mon 01 Nov 2021

Please see documents tab.

Mr Paul Tullett

Comment submitted date: Wed 03 Feb 2021

Again this properties appearance is not in keeping with this area and will have an environmental impacted on the wild life that lives here, door mouse have been seen in the area this has been identified by network rail when under taking the currant works on the railway line to the back of this land , moving of drains would increase the risk of flooding and interfering of the water ways curranty here, the currant view when coming down the road would be lost, The noise and disruption being generated by the building of this property and the extra site traffic using the road as well as the extra site traffic that will come from the building of the new homes on the old school site at the top of the road.

I strongly believe that this bit of land should be left alone or turn into a green open space for the people who live on the estate and not to just build another house that does not fit in. There would be no benefit to the estate from this build, and also when this estate was built back in 2000 why was there not a property built there then?

Comment submitted date: Tue 12 Oct 2021

I am highly offended by the applicants' comments in their planning statement. That they had concerns about prejudiced assumptions based on their ethnicity and cultural background. There are a number of residents from various cultures and ethnicities living in Newts way. Myself included. And this type of derogatory comment is both unfounded and offensive %Comment Redacted% totally unacceptable and on that bases it is clear you have little respect for the residents who live in this area My objection is based on the reasons i have raised before. Factual objections. I would question the motive for this comment in a planning statement.
I would also note that on the previously submitted planning application, there were submitted comments from people out of area who were supporting a build without knowing the area.
The application should be rejected based on the reasons mentioned above; Appearance, environmental issues, road safety, effects on landscape and wildlife, impact of building on its neighbours and the play park.

Mr Stuart Hickmott

Comment submitted date: Tue 09 Feb 2021

I wish to object strongly to this planning application for the following reasons:

There is a letter (ref. DCQ/15/003645/EC dated 17th March 2015) from Hastings Council stating that because of the infrastructure of storm tanks, the land is "considered unsuitable for development". The site being very small, l wonder where would site equipment, building materials, machinery, site office and site toilets be located? The storm tanks are not load bearing structures and therefore clear access for Southern Water should be maintained. The storm water storage tanks provide essential contingency in case flooding of the ground water drains. Downward gradients exist on both sides of this location (Darwell Close and Newts Way) so naturally the rainwater flows to this location and the open ground there provides extra soak away. The UK, over the past few years, has suffered extra flash flooding in new locations. Building in this location would impact on the safe unhindered, natural drainage of excess surface water. Surely, Try Homes Ltd left this site undeveloped for reason. The site provides a natural buffer and much needed green space between the different developments at the back of The Sedges and Rushmere Rise and those houses further up Newts Way of Meadowsweet and Watermint.

Regarding utilities, why have SGN (Scotia Gas Network) not been consulted regarding the 18 inch intermediate pressurised gas line that exists close to the site?

UK Power Networks have a substation which is situated next to the site. When power cuts happen, a large generator is brought in to boost this substation. It is placed down from the substation (towards News Way) and to try and lessen the noise of the generator, a baffle kit is placed around the generator with fencing. Noise complaints have been logged with the council because of the noise made. If this generator was needed in the future, where would it go? The usual position would be right over the entrance to the proposed building.

The design is not in keeping with other local houses or the design of 210 houses on the impending nearby Grove School site at the top of Darwell Close. The previous proposal of 2019, was for a 2 story building and yet you state in this application, that you've 'reduced' it to 3 stories? How can this be, when the plans from last clearly show 3 floors and a roof garden. The privacy of my house would be severely compromised. I particularly do not like the view from the proposed building looking down into my garden, living room, dining room and most importantly the bathroom. The privacy of fellow neighbours would also be affected by this building.

Noise from the train horns on the adjacent railway line would be 'funnelled' even more if a structure is built here. Also, what about potential light pollution from reflections off all the windows on this house?

A beautiful mature oak tree reaches over to the proposed site. Why is it fair that this tree and the other hazel trees be potentially damaged? Surely the ecology should be protected? The wildlife would seriously be impacted in this area by the clearance and construction on the site. I notice piling might be used for the foundations, so what about the noise and vibrations caused by the piling on the nearby badger habitat, not to mention the local houses? Newts, dormice, foxes, bats, badgers and birds all live on this land currently.

The building will be sited next to a children's play park. The safety of the children come first. Parking of the site workers private cars as well as large, heavy building machinery on the roads outside of the site, would make entry and exit from the playground potentially very dangerous indeed. Is it fair to impose further disruption on the children playing in the play park, when the need for outdoor safe play is relevant more than ever these days?

I'm sorry to point this out, but I feel extremely offended by the accompanying planning statement which states that public comments about the previous application were based on prejudice towards the applicant's ethnic and cultural background. My comments were based purely on my own opinions of the previous design and concerns about its location as well of the disruption that the building process would cause.

Comment submitted date: Mon 11 Oct 2021

I still strongly object to this development and my comments and objections still remain the same

This site is a natural green buffer zone for wildlife and plants

Mrs B Gillingham

Comment submitted date: Thu 04 Feb 2021

I am the freeholder of the above family property. Our house is a few yards from the land in question, which is to the rear of us.

Our main concern is the land in question is liable to flooding, as it's situated at the lowest point of the estate and heavy persistent annual rainfalls cause drains to overflow and excess surface water on all roads around us to funnel down onto it.

We also overlook Coombe Valley Country Park closeby to the rear of us, which is at present in its seasonal high flood.

We believe that to erect a single dwelling on this low lying wetland area is synonymous to building on a flood plain.

Comment submitted date: Thu 07 Oct 2021

I am the freeholder of the above property and am writing on behalf of myself and my family to voice our objection to the above application.

Our house is but a few yards from the land in question which is to the rear of us. As there have been several attempts over the years to erect dwellings on this land, which have been rejected by yourselves, we are wondering what has changed?

The land in question lies at the lowest point of our estate and when we have persistent heavy rainfall, which has already and is increasing over the years, all the excess surface water on all the roads around us overflows the drains and funnels down onto the land in question.

We also overlook Coombe Valley Country Park close by to the rear of us, which is at present entering its time of seasonal high flood.

To erect such a dwelling on this low lying wetland area is synonymous with building on a flood plain!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Sarah Playford

Comment submitted date: Tue 02 Feb 2021

I strongly object to the revised application that has now been submitted in relation to the site at Newts Way.
I am pleased that the applicant has taken steps to take into consideration the previous comments made however there are still some issues which make this proposal unfit for the site in question.

Environmental issue:
As before, the proposed site has historically been preserved for the benefit of local fauna and flora which would clearly be greatly disrupted should this development go ahead. The updated proposal to include a wildlife run, living wall etc is a step in the right direction however there is no possible way the current wildlife and can be protected during the construction phase of the development and therefore it can only be assumed that this would be detrimental to the protection of any plant or wildlife. This is a view supported by the borough arboriculturist who confirms the removal of the Hazel trees and realistic impact review on the oak tree make the current proposals unacceptable.

The site is also adjacent to a preserved badger run, which as residents, we are obliged to pay towards. I cannot see in the plans that there have been any considerations for protecting this during construction.

As part of previous applications on this site, it is acknowledged in writing by Hastings Borough Council (letter reference DCQ/15/00364/EC) that the site holds a large storm water balancing tank and associated drainage to avoid future flooding and is therefore 'not considered suitable for development'. Again, if this situation has now changed and there have been any adjustments to the flood prevention measures put in place to protect the surrounding properties why have the residents not been informed. By the councils owed admission, this is an unsuitable site for development.

The additional noise disruption from the building and occupation of this dwelling together with construction traffic also causes great concern. As a parent of young children, as many residents on the estate are this is a worrying issue.

Although reduced by one storey, the proposed design is not in keeping at all with the rest of the estate. The sheer size of the property and the building materials chosen does not fit in with the existing design of the estate. The roof garden will directly overlook the road and be viewed from the play park which again does not align with the current style of the estate.

In addition, the drawings and plans provided appear to make the plot appear much larger than it is therefore not providing an accurate representation of how the property will impact visually on the local area. One image in particular makes it look almost like it is in a park land setting which is most definitely not the case and misrepresents how the property will appear visually in the setting.

Traffic generation and road safety:
The site lies at a corner junction between Darwell Close and Newts Way and therefore on street parking for residents/guests or construction traffic directly at the site entrance will be difficult without blocking the flow of traffic. It can therefore be assumed, particularly during the construction phase, that there will be issues with parking and road safety.
It is likely that vehicles would need to park either blocking access to residential properties in The Sedges or up Newts Way therefore narrowing the possible flow of traffic up to a tight corner junction. This would also impact the possible use of the children's play park adjacent to the site as the safety of children using this area would be reduced with the increase of vehicles and in particular heavy goods vehicles.

Impact on neighbours:
On a personal note, the proposed application is directly against the rear boundary of my property.

As mentioned previously, the size and design are not in keeping at all with the rest of the estate. It is also incredibly difficult to ascertain the actual size of the proposed structure in relation to the surrounding properties without more detailed visual representations.

Although the glass wall facing the rear of my property has been reduced to smaller but more numerous windows, I feel it still removes our privacy and enjoyment of our property. The windows, at the proposed height would provide a view into my front room, bedroom and kitchen as well as overlooking my garden completely would remove all privacy that myself and my children enjoy, and which was one of the main reasons we purchased this property in such a quiet and not overlooked location.

In addition, the roof garden would provide further loss of privacy as this would be a full storey at least above our garden level therefore looking directly over us.

The applicant has provided a photo %Comment Redacted% that is intended to demonstrate that the development would not overlook any neighbours however this image and supporting plan are incredibly misleading. The photo is taken at the very westerly edge of the plot and faces towards the railway line. The plan shows that this photo has a visual radius covering the rear of 5 The Sedges and half of the rear of 6 The Sedges. This is not the case and I feel this has been taken and used to provide deliberately misleading information to support the development. At best this purely shows the boundary fence and the view to the railway line and does not actually provide any representation of how the property would overlook the properties in The Sedges.

The proposal to plant trees along the boundary line is a double-edged sword.
These trees would take many years to grow to maturity and would therefore be ineffective in providing increased privacy between my property and the development. In addition, it would be assumed that these would not be evergreens and therefore any privacy would recede each Winter.

My concern still stands that in order for the trees to reach a height to provide privacy from the house and roof garden they would need to be extremely large and therefore block out much of the light from my garden and the rear rooms of my house as well as potentially damage mine and my neighbour's boundary's and gardens with large root growth.

Directly adjacent to the other side of the site is a much used children's playground. Built at the time of the initial site development for the continuing enjoyment of the residents, this enjoyment would be put at risk by the proposed development. The noise and building disruption would make the playpark a far less usable resource, taking away the calm environment that children currently have when using the park.

The playpark will also be directly overlooked by the proposed dwellings windows, including the external roof garden, which causes its own concerns in an area where children come to play.

A final point to note is that I feel deeply offended by the applicant's comments in the planning statement suggesting that objections have been submitted on previous application based on the ethnicity or cultural background of the applicant. I can whole heartedly confirm that is not the case in respect of my comments and can see no evidence that any previous comments are based on these judgements. The estate is home to residents of various ethnicities, and I do not recall there having ever been any issues in this regard and I therefore question why this has been stated without any evidence to the fact.

Comment submitted date: Fri 05 Feb 2021

Having lodged my objection to the above planning application on the online portal, there is additional information that I would like to be considered in respect of this application. 

The applicant has provided a document named 'views from adjoining properties' which I feel is incredibly misleading in terms of the photographic and aerial images provided. The first photo %Comment Redacted% is intended to demonstrate that the development would not overlook any neighbours' properties. The photo is taken at the very westerly edge of the plot and faces towards the railway line. The plan shows that this photo has a visual radius covering the rear of 5 The Sedges and half of the rear of 6 The Sedges. This is not the case and I feel this has been taken and used to provide deliberately misleading information to support the development. At best this purely shows the boundary fence and the view to the railway line and does not actually provide any representation of how the property would overlook the properties in The Sedges.
Attached are some images %Comment Redacted%. The proposed development looks to be a storey higher than this level and I believe these images better represent the visual aspect of how %Comment Redacted% would be overlooked by this development therefore removing our privacy. 

Obviously, these photos were taken in the Summer when there is greater coverage at the rear boundary but, as would be expected, at this time of year this has diminished completely.
**Please see Documents Tab for the Images**.

Comment submitted date: Tue 16 Feb 2021

Please see documents tab.

Comment submitted date: Tue 05 Oct 2021

The development is so large for the site and estate surrounding the site, a number of properties which will be completely overlooked by the vast number of windows and balconies removing all privacy from the gardens and main residential rooms of several family homes.

I am concerned that the applicant is pushing that the site has been used for fly tipping and trespassing however there appears to have been no attempt to erect adequate fencing along the boundaries of the site if this has been such a concern and I believe I am correct in that no formal complaint on this has ever been made.

The application will have a major impact on the safety and enjoyment of the play park adjacent to the site as mentioned previously together with the environmental impact of the construction and destruction of hazel trees Which need to be removed for the development to take place.

The road surrounding the site does not allow for on road parking without making a difficult junction even more dangerous than it currently is. The construction of this site is therefore likely to have an extremely negative impact on road safety.

Dr Panagiotis Degaitas

Comment submitted date: Wed 03 Feb 2021

This proposal would be detrimental to this area on the grounds of safety and privacy.

Newts Way is already busy with traffic and the bend is dangerous for children and animals. The park is a safe space for children and would be overlooked by a roof garden. Construction vehicles would endanger free play and also there is an abundance of wild life here which would be endangered.

This estate is already very built up and more traffic using this road is an unreasonable burden on residents

Comment submitted date: Mon 27 Sep 2021

As previously commented. The plot in question is on a dangerous bend adjacent to the play park which is in constant use by the many children in this, already congested, area.

Construction traffic and future traffic would create a major hazard to the children, dog walkers and others.

A further concern is that when the electricity fails, the generator is positioned in front of the plot, where else in the road could this possibly be placed?

Miss Myah Small

Comment submitted date: Fri 19 Feb 2021

I wish to STRONGLY object to the proposed application.

My foremost concern is the safety of the many children who live in the area and frequent the playpark that the proposed dwellings will overlook. During the construction of the property, the nearby road, which is already a tight and blind corner, will become swamped with vehicles and machinery, making it extremely dangerous for children to enter and exit the park.

Additionally, the land itself is home to a large variety of fauna and flora, including badgers and the protected newts of Newts Way, which both myself and my younger sister have been in awe to see on numerous occasions whilst visiting the playpark, and would be devastated by the loss of.

The proposed property is not at all in keeping with the houses already in the area, and once built will look incredibly out of place and ill thought out.

I am also aware of logistic difficulties with regards to the development of this land, such as the presence of storm drains, which causes me great concern. The land has already been deemed unsuitable for development before, and I struggle to see why the developer may think the land is now suitable for construction.

There is no need for the construction of new properties in the area, as more than 200 new properties are to be constructed on the site where the Grove school once stood, so I cannot see any way in which this construction will benefit my local community. The only benefit I can see is monetary gain for the developer.

Finally, I take extreme offense to the suggestion that previous applications to build on this land have been opposed due to the developer's ethnicity and cultural background. I know that this is not at all the case, and any opposition has been based solely on the impact construction will have on the local area. I am outraged to see my local community insulted in this way.

Mr Andy Parsons

Comment submitted date: Fri 19 Feb 2021

The scheme is an interesting and successful approach to its context and delivers much needed houses to an site that is appropriate for family housing.

Kim Hollis QC

Comment submitted date: Wed 17 Feb 2021

Please see documents tab.

Mr Layton Reid

Comment submitted date: Wed 17 Feb 2021

The proposal by EOA is an excellent example of design which is both contextual and contemporary ,a design which is sure to blend into its site more comfortably that many of the nearby residences and simultaneously providing an exemplar of the key attributes of sustainability and adherence to the national planning framework .

The project is not only zero carbon but is of a design quality that demonstrates a rare consideration of its setting and a wish to contribute to its setting which has granted it no objection and thus support from Nature England. The clarity of the proposals vernachular roots firmly place it in its rural context , whilst yet being a contemporary response to it's users needs .the use of materials and form are sympathetic to the traditions of its setting whilst being resolutly of its time.

I commend this project to you sure in the knowledge that i once built t may yet become s showcase for excellence in architectural response to new building imperatives and new housing typologies.

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