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Planning – Application Comments

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HS/FA/07/00315 | Refurbishment of existing church at ground floor level. Conversion of first floor to 2 x 1 bedroom flats, together with new extension at second floor level to accommodate 1 x 2 bedroom penthouse flat. | Hastings Spiritualist Church, 8 Portland Place, Hastings, TN34 1QN
  • Total Consulted: 31
  • Comments Received: 1
  • Objections: 1
  • Supporting: 0
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Margaret Brookes

Comment submitted date: Tue 03 Aug 2010

My objection to the above application is as follows:

I have lived directly opposite the Spiritualist church in Portland Place for the last 18 years and am very concerned about a number of things. I have seen so many problems in this road over the years, mainly social and this development will only add to our problems. My concerns are:-

1. inadquate space for refuse and recycling.

2. problems with the parking ( council have already removed 2 parking spaces because of the narrow road)

3.The Castle ward area is known to be deprived and to cram 3 flats into such a small space is bound to have a negative impact.

4. the penthouse flat will definitely block out a lot of light to some of the houses opposite.

A lot of the original application was not filled out correctly and also, I didn't receive a copy of the 2nd application - it was just by chance that a neighbour told me about it and lent me his. What I would like to know is how many other residents didn't receive one either. Hardly fair is it! This looks to me like a 'Fait accompli' and do hope we are not wasting our time.

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