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Planning – Application Summary

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HS/FA/18/01009 | Proposed extensions and refurbishments to main amusement building including raised roof to accommodate additional floor. Increased height and footprint of raised huts behind the main building. Proposed alterations to park and rides, including demolition of existing ghost train building and erection of replacement. Proposed new formalised and landscaped pedestrian footpath from adjacent to shelter to beach front access and enlargement of amusement park to incorporate land where current footpath is located. Proposed new boathouse and jetty. | The Stade Family Amusement Park, The Stade, Hastings, TN34 3AR
Reference HS/FA/18/01009
Alternative Reference Not Available
Application Received Fri 16 Nov 2018
Application Validated Fri 16 Nov 2018
Address The Stade Family Amusement Park, The Stade, Hastings, TN34 3AR
Proposal Proposed extensions and refurbishments to main amusement building including raised roof to accommodate additional floor. Increased height and footprint of raised huts behind the main building. Proposed alterations to park and rides, including demolition of existing ghost train building and erection of replacement. Proposed new formalised and landscaped pedestrian footpath from adjacent to shelter to beach front access and enlargement of amusement park to incorporate land where current footpath is located. Proposed new boathouse and jetty.
Status Decided
Decision Issued Date Thu 07 Mar 2019
Appeal Decision Not Available

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